Uganda Partnership Policy

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The Uganda Partnership Policy (2013) sets out the guiding principles and priorities for the Government’s management of the relationship with its Development Partners and the external assistance provided within the context of the National Development Plans (NDPs).

Development Partners during the 3rd NPF in September 2016

The Policy defines the roles and responsibilities of key Government authorities with regards to the coordination of development assistance and aims to strengthen institutional capacities for coordination of Government relations with Development Partners; increase alignment of development cooperation; harmonize Development Partners’ practices with national systems; enhance predictability of external assistance; and increase accountability and transparency.

In response to the Partnership Policy, the Government and Development Partners have agreed on a framework for the joint partnership dialogue on development and development effectiveness guided by the NDPs and aligned with Government budget and planning processes. This involves bi-annual high-level engagement at the high-level National Partnership Forum (NPF) and the technical NPF as well as regular engagement through joint Sector Working Groups.

The joint partnership dialogue builds on national coordination arrangements and focuses on promoting development effectiveness and mutual accountability by:

  1. Discussing progress of key reforms and review implementation of mutual commitments based on national priorities as defined in the NDPs;
  2. Reviewing progress on development effectiveness;
  3. Reviewing the Government Annual Performance Report and discuss sectoral, thematic and crosscutting issues affecting effective delivery of services;
  4. Reviewing existing coordination structures and continuously work towards improving their effectiveness in delivering the NDPs; and
  5. Considering any issues affecting implementation of the Partnership Policy.

Links and Downloads

Uganda Partnership Policy (2013)

Framework for the Joint Partnership Dialogue (2014)