LDPG Management

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The work of the LDPG is managed by a Quartet consisting of four members of which two are on a permanent basis (UNRCO, WB) and two are on a rotational basis, elected by the LDPG for a one-year term with the possibility of re-election. Members of the Quartet jointly agree on how they organize themselves as LDPG chairs. The Quartet is represented at the level of Head of Mission/Cooperation.

The LDPG is currently co-chaired by Caroline Adriaensen (Head of Cooperation, EU), R. Mukami Kariuki (Country Manager, World Bank), Philip Smith (Development Director, FCDO) and Susan Ngongi Namondo (UN Resident Coordinator).

The LDPG secretariat is provided by Eva Lescrauwaet (Senior Operations Officer, World Bank) and funded through the Multi-Donor Trustfund (MDTF) in Uganda.