Chair Details
NAME: Joseph Mwelwa Kapika
EMAIL: jkapika@worldbank.org
Co Chair Details
NAME: Martinelle Thibault
EMAIL: martinellet@afd.f
Key DPG messages/Priorities
DPs priorities for Fiscal Year 2021/2022 strategic undertakings
– Build a performance matrix (with monitoring framework) for the power sector based on the roadmap for catalytic power sector transformation. Set up mechanism for implementation of the roadmap
– Set up the 3 Programme Working Groups and finalise the drafting of the PIAPs
– Finalise the energy policy for submission to cabinet for approval
– Enact the regulation for isolated grids systems, operationalise the Isolated Grid system regulation 2020
– Adopt a more structured tariff approach for Isolated Grid systems under a tariff regulation
– Finalize the Isolated Grid system technical Guidelines of operation with ERA
– Start on the Subsidy framework for Isolated Grid systems with ERA MEMD and REA
– Develop a metering code for ERA
– Develop an Integrated Resource Plan for the country, ensuring that there is coordination between a) generation, transmission and distribution, b) between on- and off grid electrification and c) private and public investments
– Update the Power Sector Investment Plan and to harmonise the various investment and system expansion plans by UEGCL, UETCL, UEDCL, Umeme, REA and the private sector.
– Revise the land regulation for easing the acquisition of land and way leaves for transmission projects
– Feasibility studies for interconnection with DRC, South Sudan and Tanzania
– Prioritise evacuation lines for the existing plants and plants with PPA agreement signed
– Promote system integration with neighbouring countries, not only on infrastructure but also administratively to facilitate power trade.
Energy Efficiency
– Enact the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Bill
– Promote efficiency improvements in charcoal production
– Finalise and fast track the National Electrification Strategy
– Update the electrification master plans based on least cost analysis
– Resume the Electricity Connection Policy targeting the poorest (no pole) and/or productive uses
– Revise REA’s Statutory Instrument, better defining its scope in relation with a clear definition of the rural areas are necessary for improving rural electrification and access
– Implement distribution reforms based on existing power sector’s diagnostic studies, sound business models and efficient operations
– Consideration the advantages on an integrated approach of distribution including grid, mini-grids and stand-alone systems
– Include rural electrification in the negotiation on Umeme concession extension
– Prepare a funding proposal to the Green Climate Fund for set-up of at least 600 mini-grids
– Install 40 mini-grids in Southern and Northern Uganda under Pro Mini-Grids
– Launch the tender process and select developers for the installation of the 100 mini-grids under Get Access project
Cooking energy
– Promote Sustainable fire wood and charcoal production
– Promote efficient cooking stoves
– Implement awareness campaign to promote efficient cooking
– Strengthen the LPG sector regulatory framework, improve consumer awareness and provision of financing for consumer purchase of first equipment, as a means to increase affordability of LPG
– Support UNBS to ensure uniform standards for imports and for domestic LPG products
– Extend tax-exemption to all LPG equipment
Energy for refugees and host communities
– Finalize the Sustainable Energy Response Plan for Refugees and Hosting Communities (SERP), establish the secretariat and implement the SERP.
Minerals development/ Oil and Gas
– Demonstrate EITI compliance
– Finalise the drafting and enact the Mining and Minerals Bill
– Reassess viability of refinery investments
– Support the development of an indigenous iron and steel industry
DPs priorities for 2021-2022 Strategic Undertakings_Jan 2021
Energy and Mineral JSR DP Opening Speech 2020_final
DPS Joint statement – Transmission letter