Sector Partnerships


Role of Sector Working Groups (SWGs)

Sector Working Groups (SWGs) form the basis for inter and intra sectoral coordination and are used to harmonize and agree on sector output and outcome targets as well as monitoring and evaluation frameworks. More specifically, the SWGs:

Operational Guidelines for Sector Working Groups (SWGs)

In October 2014 the Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development issued “Terms of Reference and Guidelines for Operation of SWGs during Preparation and Implementation of the Budget”. The Terms of Reference emphasizes the benefits of participatory planning and budgeting to promote synergies and avoid duplication. SWGs are accordingly required to actively participate in identifying and prioritizing interventions through a consultative approach involving relevant ministries, departments and agencies, and representatives from civil society, private sector, Local Government, and Development Partners.

A key priority under the partnership dialogue between the Government and the LDPG is to enhance sector coordination and strengthen the joint sector dialogue. In that regard, the Office of the Prime Minister with support from the LDPG has undertaken an assessment on what can be done to strengthen the coordination function by Office of the Prime Minister and the SWGs. The final report was released in May 2017 and proposes a new approach to coordination in order to promote more joined-up Government based on lessons’ learnt from SWGs with effective coordination processes.