EU Signs UGX285bn Sector Reform and Performance Contract with Uganda

EU Signs UGX285bn Sector Reform and Performance Contract with Uganda

On December 1, 2017, the Head of the European Union Delegation to Uganda, H.E. Ambassador Attilio Pacifici, and Hon. ‎Matia Kasaija, Minister for Finance, Planning and Economic Development, signed the Financing Agreement for a Sector Reform and Performance Contract (SRPC). The Agreement draws EUR 66 million in grant from the 11th European Development Fund, in favour of Justice and Accountability Reform (JAR) in Uganda.

The specific objective of the Action is to improve the governance of public funds, including the mobilisation, strategic allocation and efficient use of public resources, for improved service delivery. It will be implemented through the Justice, Law and Order (JLOS) and Accountability sectors and is expected to enhance their synergies.

The EU continues to work with the Government of Uganda to support progress towards the objectives of the National Development Programme II (NDP II). JAR is aligned in particular with Objective N°4 of the NDP II which pursues to strengthen mechanisms for quality, effective and efficient service delivery.

JAR is composed of sector budget support of EUR 60 million and complementary measures of EUR 6 million. Its five result areas are domestic revenue mobilisation and management for sustainable development, strategic planning and budgeting for enhanced service delivery, public investment management, service delivery in the JLOS sector and institutional capacity to reduce public sector corruption.

JAR pursues a strengthened collaboration between the Accountability and JLOS sectors for leveraging the outcomes of anti-corruption measures. It will link the different parts of the accountability chain, such as transparency, audit, investigations, sanctions, prosecution.

Other expected key outcomes are a reduction in case backlog and an increased automation of courts in the judiciary, Uganda’s preparedness for membership in the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative, increased competition in public procurement, enhanced quality of public investment projects, and an increased accessibility of legal services.

The agreed targets and disbursement conditions of JAR also emphasise human rights compliance in the JLOS Sector. This will be measured through the reduction of the number of un-sentenced detainees, and a reduced backlog in the reporting in respect of international human rights treaties Uganda has signed up to.

Among 20 institutions in the Accountability Sector and 17 in JLOS, the following will play a central role in achieving the JAR specific conditions and performance indicator: MoFPED, Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS), Office of the Auditor General (OAG), the Courts of Judicature, the Prison Service, the Directorate of Public Prosecution (DPP), the Criminal Investigations Directorate (CIID), Department of Ethics and Intergrity (DEI), the Inspectorate of Government (IGG) the Public Procurement and Disposal of Public Assets Authority (PPDA) and the Ministry of Local Government.

A key element for the success of the Action will be effective policy dialogue between the concerned Ministries, Departments and agencies of the Government of Uganda, the EU Delegation, other EU Member States, Development Partners and Civil Society.


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