EU Call for Proposals: €13 Million Grant to Support Quality Care for Children

EU Call for Proposals: €13 Million Grant to Support Quality Care for Children

The global objective of this call is to ensure better outcomes for children by ensuring better implementation of the UN’s Guidelines for the alternative care of children in their entirety so that children enjoy equal chances to reach their full potential in societies.

The specific objective of this call for proposals is to provide quality care for children through the following priorities:

  • Enabling governments to provide and take control of quality alternative care provision to children who are deprived of parental care, in line with UN’s Guidelines on alternative care of children and/or
  • Regulating and monitoring the quality of the alternative care solutions provided to children who are deprived of parental care and/or
  • Supporting the transition from institutional to community-based care and
  • Preventing the unnecessary separation of children from their families.

Budget is EUR 13,000,000.

EU grants will be a minimum of 1,000,000 and maximum of 4,000,000.

Only CSoO are eligible as applicants and they must act with at least one public national or local authority as co-applicant or associate

This is a restricted call for proposals the first stage of which is the submission of a concept note through Prospect. Deadline for the submission of the concept note is 27/03/2018 at 16:00 (Brussels date and time).

All further information is found here.


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