US Launches Report to the Ugandan People

US Launches Report to the Ugandan People

The U.S. Mission to Uganda is pleased to present the first-ever Report to the Ugandan People, a summary of some of the most important U.S. assistance programs in Uganda during the last year. The stories contained in this Report highlight the many successes of Ugandans across the country and demonstrate the strength and value of the relationship between the United States and Uganda.

The U.S. government remains committed to helping all Ugandans build the kind of country they want and deserve. The programs and activities we support to help achieve that goal aim to create a healthy, prosperous, and stable country with just and democratic governance, which will in turn produce an inclusive, educated, and empowered society. This is why the United States invests in Uganda: to see its people live up to their full potential.

In Fiscal Year 2016, U.S. government assistance to Uganda totaled more than $840 million, supporting programs in health, economic development, security, education, and several other areas in every corner of the country. More than half of that assistance, some $488 million, was dedicated to programs in the health sector, including efforts to control the spread of HIV, combat infectious diseases, and build stronger and more effective health systems. The work of the U.S. Mission in Uganda is carried out by several U.S. government agencies and programs, including the Departments of State and Defense, the U.S. Agency for International Development, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, the Peace Corps, and the National Institutes of Health.


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